Tag Archive for: ACL surgery

The Week in Research Review, etc 10-1-18

Another week of some great discussions and learning opportunities. The Week in Research Review included:

  • Risk Factors for Patellofemoral pain
  • Shoulder ROM and elbow injuries
  • Rotator Cuff Exercises
  • Eccentric or Concentric exercise for Tendinopathy
  • Hamstrings Protect the ACL
  • Stretching the Shoulder in the Overhead Athlete

Share with your friends and have them subscribe to the weekly newsletter!


Risk factors for patellofemoral pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis Neal et al BJSM 2018.

This systematic review and meta-analysis of 18 studies involved 4818 participants, of whom 483 developed patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS).

First off, PFPS is a wastebasket term that basically tells the client that they have knee pain…that’s it.

My 1st job is to educate the client about this fancy term because they often come in confused and wanting more information.

I use a good subjective exam to have the patient help me narrow in on a potential cause so I can answer the question ‘why’.

My clinical exam will attempt to diagnose the particular culprit…whether it’s mechanical, overuse or something else.

Back to the study…it showed that in patients with PFPS, quadriceps weakness in military recruits and higher hip strength in adolescents were risk factors for PFP.

Not surprised by the quadriceps weakness but kinda surprised by the hip weakness!

The same authors showed this in JOSPT 2012 Lankhorst et al that weaker knee extension strength, expressed by peak torque, appears to be a risk factor for PFPS.

Not sure what to do with the hip strength as a risk factor in adolescents but maybe it becomes a biomechanical issue if the hips are stronger than the quadriceps, relatively.

Do you guys see this out there as well? The key, as usual, is to strengthen the quadriceps!

I would also say activity modification that is causing the quad weakness (overuse) and a progressive return to their activity.

Chime in and let’s talk this out…thanks!⠀


Deficits in glenohumeral passive range of motion increase risk of elbow injury in professional baseball pitchers: a prospective study. @wilk_Kevin, Macrina et al AJSM 2014.

In this paper, we looked to determine whether decreased ROM of the throwing shoulder is correlated with the onset of elbow injuries in professional baseball pitchers.

This one took years to get all of the data collected through multiple spring training trips to the @raysbaseball facilities.

In the end, we were able to show that: ⚾️pitchers with deficits of >5° in total rotation in their throwing shoulders had a 2.6x greater risk for injury.

⚾️Pitchers with deficit of ≥ 5° in flexion of the throwing shoulder had a 2.8x greater risk for injury.

These findings have guided our evaluation and treatment strategies at @championptp.

We hypothesize that loss of flexion may be a result of some soft tissue limitation of the lats, teres, pecs and other muscles.

We focus much of our attention on these muscle groups during our arm care to help regain the flexion and may even help gain back some of the ER in those that are tighter than normal…whatever that means.

After soft tissue work, we look to work on dynamic stability and strength in the newly gained ROM.
Do you use these similar concepts with your baseball pitchers too? Tag a friend who may be interested in this study…thanks!⠀


Rotator Cuff Exercises

In this post, I wanted to discuss my go-to exercises for the shoulder when someone presents with an injury or pain.

Of course, my exam TRIES to determine the tissue involved but most of our clinical exam tests cannot pinpoint the exact pain generator and pathological tissue.

With that, I have certain exercises that I think, through the available EMG data, are the best to help regain strength and confidence prior to beginning their return to sport (or life) activities.

Numerous studies have looked at the EMG during these specific motions and have determined that the supraspinatus and infraspinatus have higher relative levels compared to other positions, say the full can vs empty can debate, for example.

Take a look at these classic studies to help guide your programs:⠀

❇️Blackburn et al JAT 1990

❇️Townsend et al AJSM 1991

❇️Reinold et al JOSPT 2002

❇️Reinold et al JAT 2007

❇️Kelly et al AJSM 1996

❇️Worrell et al Med Sci Sports Exerc 1992

❇️Jobe et al 1982

❇️Decker et al AJSM 2003

These papers have provided the foundation for today’s shoulder programs and are some that I discuss during my Biomechanics lectures that I give when teaching my course.

Are you familiar with these papers and do you keep them in mind when building your shoulder programs for your clients?

Tag a colleague or friend that may want to see this post…thanks!⠀


Eccentric or Concentric Exercises for the Treatment of Tendinopathies? Couppe et al JOSPT Nov 2015

Interesting clinical commentary from a few years ago talking about tendinopathy treatments.

Most PT’s and ATC’s generally talk about eccentric loading of tendons to help treat suspected tendon pain.

In this review, they discuss the potential mechanisms that may aid in helping people suffering from tendon pain.

I found this statement very interesting:

👉🏼”There is little evidence for isolating the eccentric component of a loading-based regime.

👉🏼The basic mechanisms that are likely to influence tendon adaptations appear to be related mainly to tendon load/strain magnitude and duration, and there is no theoretical basis for greater tendon loads in eccentric exercises at a given force (body weight or external load).” 🤯

As always, it makes me think that as specific as we think we are with some of our exercises, maybe just putting any strain through the muscle-tendon unit is good enough.

Have you guys read this review? What do you think? is this similar to what you see in your practice?

Tag a friend who may want to read or comment on this post…thanks!⠀


𝐇𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 & 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐂𝐋

Great post by @rehabscience talking about the influence of the hamstrings on the #ACL. A big focus of my rehab for my patients that have had an ACL reconstruction involves building hamstring strength.

Check out his original post below!

💥𝐇𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 & 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐂𝐋💥
📌The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is an extremely important ligament in terms of overall knee integrity and stability. Specifically, the ACL connects the femur (thigh bone) to the tibia (shin bone) and runs at an oblique angle from the posterior aspect of the femur to the anterior aspect of the tibia. Due to this arrangement, the ACL is responsible for preventing anterior translation of the tibia or posterior translation of the femur.

🔎Now, many of us are aware of the importance of the quadriceps to knee health, but, often times, the hamstrings get neglected. The hamstrings run along the posterior (backside) of the thigh and insert onto the posterior surfaces of the tibia and fibula (shin bones).

When contracting, the hamstrings work to bend the knee, but also pull the tibia posteriorly. In this way, the hamstrings can serve as a dynamic protector of the ACL by limiting excessive anterior displacement of the tibia and strain on the ligament.

✅If you are looking to reduce your risk of ACL injury or recovering from an ACL reconstruction, don’t forget to include hamstring work in your strength training program as this group has an instrumental role in protecting the ACL.

⬅️Swipe left to see several exercises from myself, @jasonbombard@zerenpt and @strengthcoachtherapy that can be incorporated to increase hamstring strength.


⚾️Stretching the Overhead Athlete ⚾️

In this post, I wanted to give a glimpse into the stretching routine I use on some of my OH athletes before and after a workout, bullpen or a game.

I like to stretch the shoulder into external rotation to make sure the athlete can maintain that important ROM, especially to keep that layback or late cocking position.

I also like to work on horizontal adduction with the lateral border of the scapula stabilized. It’s important that the athlete feels the stretch in the back of the shoulder and nowhere close to the front of the shoulder.

This is the lone reason why I have gone away from the sleeper stretch and focus on horizontal adduction.

I also stretch out the forearm flexors by extending the elbow/wrist and all of the fingers, including the thumb (don’t forget about the thumb!)

I also like to stretch the shoulder joint into flexion by pinning down the scapula and hope I’m somewhere on the lats and/or subscapularis to be able to stretch these muscles out and improve that overhead position.

Remember, in 2014 we showed a loss of flexion increased the risk of medial elbow injuries by almost 3x.
I like to repeat the process a few times until I feel like we maximized the amount of new ROM.⠀
At the same time, we’re chatting about the session, how it went, what’s to come, how their fantasy football team is doing, etc.

It’s my way to connect with each client before and after they have a session with me. I feel this is very important and often overlooked by other PT’s.

Do you have any other stretches you like to do? Tag a friend who may want to check out this video…thanks!⠀


The Week in Research Review, etc 9-10-18

Lots of good stuff this past week. We talked:

  • Dr. Andrews knowledge bombs
  • Frozen Shoulder video
  • AC joint Classification
  • Whether we should return our ACL patients at 6 months post-op
  • Eric Cressey quote on failing rehab

What I have learned about being successful as an orthopedic surgeon by Dr James Andrews

Great read by my friend, mentor and colleague who I was fortunate to work with from 2002-2014, before moving back home to Boston to help open @ChampionPTP with @mikereinold.

I learned so much from my interactions with him and how he handled each and every case. His approach has been the standard by which I carry myself as a PT

In this paper, he talks about: ⠀





✔️A true love of caring for my patients

He also talked about being successful with a ‘purpose driven life’ and discusses 16 key recommendations to a successful orthopaedic career.

Take a look at this article and implement as much as you can tomorrow and every day thereafter.

Happy reading…share with a friend or colleague in the comments section below!⠀


Frozen Shoulder or adhesive capsulitis can be debilitating and frustrating for the patient.

This video shows why! Look at all of that red and inflamed tissue of the shoulder capsule. Those neovascular changes are a classic sign of frozen shoulder and the main reason why anti-inflammatories are probably effective in the early stages of the disease.

The pain associated with this presentation is often the main limiting factor, combined with the eventual capsular scarring/contracture that develops soon after.

This scarring leads to a loss of joint arthrokinematics, which leads to loss of mobility, functional loss and atrophy. This spiral effect can last months if not years for some.

Regaining mobility, strength and normal function is not guaranteed but PT can help speed up the process a bit by educating, guiding and mobilizing the patient.

if I see someone in an early stage of frozen shoulder, I usually recommend a cortisone shot followed by more PT to help maintain the patient’s shoulder ROM/strength.

What do you recommend? Any tests you use to help diagnose adhesive capsulitis?

Tag a colleague who may benefit from this post…thanks!⠀


With football season here, we’re going to hear a lot of talk about #shouldersaparation or AC joint sprains

The different Grades (Rockwood Classification) of AC Joint sprains are:⠀

1️⃣ AC ligament sprain, AC joint intact, CC ligaments intact⠀

2️⃣AC Joint disruption, Slight vertical separation of ACJ, CC ligament sprain, CC distance wide⠀

3️⃣AC ligament disruption, AC joint dislocated, CC ligaments torn⠀

4️⃣AC ligament disruption, AC joint dislocated, Clavicle displaced posteriorly into Trapezius, CC ligaments completely torn⠀

5️⃣AC ligament disruption, AC joint dislocated, CC ligaments completely torn,⠀
CC distance 100 to 300 % > than normal side.⠀

6️⃣AC ligament disruption, AC joint dislocated, CC ligaments completely torn, Clavicle in subcoracoid position.

I saw this video that @drroddymcgee put out on #Twitter and loved the visual effects to help simplify the typical tissues involved with each type of AC Joint sprain. You can slo find them at @thesportsdocs00 on Twitter too.

Hope it helps to put the AC joint sprains in a better view for you. Share with a colleague who may have an interest…thanks!


Return to play after an ACL is a complex decision that involves many variables. The research is telling us a 6-month return to play is too quick and should be delayed up to 9 months.

During that time, the focus of the rehab needs to be on gaining strength, power, and confidence in the patient’s lower body, particularly the quadriceps.

✅ 51% reduction for each month return to sport was delayed until 9 months after surgery…research by Grindem et al BJSM 2016.

Hewett et al have advocated for a possible 2-year return to play wait time to account for graft healing and time for the full strength, power and confidence to return.

I have adjusted my practice to educate my clients for a 9-month return and map out a timeframe from the beginning so they buy into that thinking. Often times, doctors will place a 6 month time for RTP and I have to overcome that thinking and ‘convince’ my clients that it’s too soon.

I think that much time is needed to get the quadriceps muscle back completely and to gain the full confidence in the limb through dynamic activities.

Do you agree? What do you recommend and do you agree with Coach Saban’s answer on RTP at 6 months? 😜

Tag a friend who would benefit from seeing this post or at least seeing Coach Saban…thanks! #RTR #notreally #neutral#switzerland 


Failing Rehab

As a PT, this really hit home with me and thought @ericcressey nailed it! See his original post below. @cresseysportsperformance 👇🏻

As with any professional offering – training, accounting, contracting, landscaping, or a host of other services – you’ll see good and bad rehabilitation scenarios. Make sure you do your homework about not only a rehab specialist’s experience and credentials, but also the business model in which he/she operates. 😵#cspfamily #sportsmedicine#rehab #physicaltherapy #physicaltherapist#athletictrainer #athletictraining#sportsperformance #rehabilitation


Documenting Knee Extension Range of Motion

I’ve talked a lot about the importance of regaining knee extension range of motion (ROM) after a knee injury or surgery. In this post, I want to talk about how exactly I believe we should be documenting knee extension range of motion.

I think it’s important because I hear many other medical professionals and students document differently. Hope this post clears the air and gets everyone on the same page.

Knee Extension after ACL

I’ve written about getting knee extension back after an ACL and how to figure out if it was a cyclops lesion or not. You can read this recent post if you like..it should help you gather more information on diagnosis and treatment of a cyclops lesion.

Therefore, I can’t stress the importance of obtaining not just knee extension, but symmetrical hyperextension after a knee injury or surgery.

With that, I feel as if many practitioners are all over the place with their documentation. This makes it difficult to communicate with each other and with the patients.

Documenting Knee Extension Range of Motion

In this video, I discuss the rationale for how I document knee hyperextension. I think it;’s important that we’re all on the same page to avoid confusion.


Does this make sense to you? Is this how you document knee hyperextension?

Let’s discuss in the comments section or on social media. You can find me on Twitter or Instagram @lenmacPT.

If you want to learn more about how I treat ACL’s or the knee in general, then you can check out our all online knee seminar at www.onlinekneeseminar.com and let me know what you think.

We cover the anatomy, rehab prescription, ACL, meniscal injuries knee replacements and patellofemoral issues. Furthermore, the course covers both the non-operative and post-operative treatment.t

This is an awesome course if you’re interested in learning more about rehabilitating the knee joint. And if you’re a PT, there’s a good chance you can get CEU’s as well.

The Week in Research Review, etc 8-19-18

We posted a lot of information this week to review so hopefully you were able to keep up with it all. If not, here’s a bunch of it from the week. Check it out and comment as you want. Lots of good information on:

  1. Advanced Rhythmic Stabilization Drills
  2. Our ACL rehab paper from 2012
  3. PT usage for Frozen Shoulder
  4. Comparison of posterior shoulder stretching techniques
  5. Increased Sweating after an ACL surgery? Seems pretty common in the comments section
  6. @theprehabguys show how to do a posterior shoulder stretch


Advanced stabilization drills

These advanced stabilization drills are a great way to progress the patient once they’ve shown improved neuromuscular control with the basic drills from the other day.

I use these for most of my clients that need improved dynamic stability, especially those hypermobile athletes that play baseball, swim, or do gymnastics.

You can modify the speed and amount of force that I give during the drill based on how they are responding that day and how they have progressed overall. You can also increase the time of the drill to bring in an endurance component, as well.

The goal is to use these to prep the shoulder for higher level activities such as plyometrics, throwing, etc.

I want the shoulder joint to be as strong as possible. And most importantly, I want the client to perceive that their shoulder is stronger so that they are more confident!

Do you use these rhythmic stabilization drills with your patients?

Tag a friend who may benefit from these drills and try them on your patients the next time they’re ready to progress their dynamic stability drills!

Recent advances in the rehabilitation of anterior cruciate ligament injuries. @wilk_kevin et al JOSPT 2012 @drlylecain @dugasmd1

We wrote this paper in JOSPT to help clinicians better understand the rehab involved after their patient undergoes an ACL reconstruction.

The paper discussed the principles of ACL rehab, including:
✅obtaining full symmetrical extension
✅restoring patella mobility
✅ROM goals
✅Decrease inflammation/swelling
✅voluntary quadriceps control
✅restore neuromuscular control
✅Gradually apply loads

We also discuss special rehab implications for:
✅The Female Athlete
✅Concomitant injuries (MCL, meniscus, LCL, cartilage lesions)
✅Implications of Graft type

Our Accelerated ACL-PTG protocol is included to help guide the rehab process and give the rehab specialist some goals to achieve.

Again, a protocol is just a guide and by no means meant to place aggressive limitations on a patient.

Hope this paper helps you to better understand ACL rehab. Tag a friend or colleague who may benefit from this post.


Outcomes From Conservative Treatment of Shoulder Idiopathic Adhesive Capsulitis and Factors Associated With Developing Contralateral Disease Lamplot et al 2018 OJSM 2018

A minimum 2-year follow-up of patients diagnosed with idiopathic adhesive capsulitis.

They were treated with a single intra-articular glenohumeral injection of local anesthetic and corticosteroid as well as 4 weeks of supervised PT.

Physical therapy reduced the use of a second injection as part of treatment. Contralateral disease was more likely in patients with diabetes and those younger than 50 years.

PT is an important component of a conservative treatment protocol, as PT decreased the likelihood of receiving a second injection from 100% to 27.3%.

In my opinion, a cortisone injection + PT is the best treatment ‘cocktail’ for someone with frozen shoulder, particularly in the freezing phase.

Do you guys agree? Let’s discuss this very debilitating pathology. Tag a friend who may want to discuss this further.

A Randomized Controlled Comparison of Stretching Procedures for Posterior Shoulder Tightness McClure et al JOSPT 2007

This study looked to compare changes in shoulder internal rotation range of motion (ROM), for 2 stretching exercises, the “cross-body stretch” and the “sleeper stretch,” in individuals with posterior shoulder tightness.

From their results, “The improvements in IR ROM for the subjects in the ✅cross-body stretch group (mean ± SD, 20.0° ± 12.9°) were significantly greater than for the subjects in the control group (5.9° ± 9.4°, P = .009). The gains in the ❌sleeper stretch group (12.4° ± 10.4°) were not significant compared to those of the control group (P = .586) and those of the cross-body stretch group (P = .148).”

Just be aware of the large standard deviations and low number of subjects…plus the subjects were all asymptomatic.
With that, I still believe clinically that the cross-body stretch is one of the better stretches for the shoulder. I have gotten away from the sleeper stretch because I don’t believe the risk/reward presents favorably.

✅✅I personally prefer the supine horizontal adduction stretch with the scapula stabilized. I feel like this best isolates the posterior soft tissue (mainly muscle, in my opinion) and that’s my target tissue.

Do you use the sleeper stretch with your patients or do you prefer the cross-body stretch?

Comment below and let’s talk about it. Also, tag a friend who may benefit from this post…thanks!

Sweating Leg after an #ACL

Had this in my story and posted to Twitter and got some pretty good discussion going. Is this some altered autonomic nervous system response after #ACLsurgery? I’ve seen it a bunch, where the area inferior to the incision sweats significantly more than the contralateral leg. Anyone else see this phenomenon and have an opinion? Have had people say that maybe it was compartment syndrome or CRPS but it happens with many many ACL patients so it seems very normal. What do you think? #ACL #ACLrehab

Horizontal Adduction Stretching

Perfect timing by @theprehabguys with their horizontal adduction post from the other day. Blends perfectly with the McClure 2007 et al study I posted the other day that showed horizontal adduction is the best way to obtain internal rotation mobility at the shoulder. I often tell people to wedge their lateral scapula against a wall to help stabilize but this way may also benefit them. Check out their post below!⠀
Are You Performing The Arm Across Body Stretch Correctly⁉️⠀
[How to Stretch Your Posterior Cuff]

A tight posterior cuff is associated with a handful of shoulder dysfunctions like subacrominal impingement syndrome, posterior impingement, anterior instability, etc. And thus, ⬇️ tone/increasing extensibility of the posterior cuff is part of the treatment protocol for many with shoulder pain. The cross-body stretch is a fantastic way to target the posterior cuff but far too often it is done INCORRECTLY.

‼️In order to effectively stretch the posterior cuff, you need to keep your SCAPULA STABILIZED ie your scapula CANNOT MOVE!‼️

❌If you pull your arm across your body and your scapula comes with it into horizontal abduction, the only stretch your getting is of your mid-scapular muscles like your rhomboids or traps. Furthermore, in this position there’s more of a distraction force on the glenohumeral joint than a true stretch of the posterior cuff – aka not as specific as it can be.

✅First pull your shoulder blades back. This will keep your scapula in a retracted position. Only WHILE MAINTAINING THE POSITION OF YOUR SHOULDER BLADES BACK can you effectively target the posterior cuff. Pay attention to WHERE you feel the stretch, as you should feel a “deep stretch” in the back of your shoulder in the highlighted area on the video. If you feel a stretch or anything else not in the back of the shoulder, you’re either doing the stretch incorrectly or abutting other structures in your shoulder due to pathology (ie don’t do the stretch anymore and seek out a physio if you’re in pain).

Try it out and let us know how it feels! Tag a friend who NEEDS this stretch! #shoulderstretch #posteriorcuff#posteriorcapsule


The Week in Research Review, etc 8-5-18

The Week in Research Review, etc 8-5-18 we discuss a wide variety of topics including:

  • Long-term disability if weak during adolescence
  • Using heat during rehabilitation
  • OKC vs CKC exercises after an ACL
  • Live look at an Achilles rupture (with sound too!)
  • A fun look at the different types of PT’s
  • Congrats to all of the newly licensed PT’s!

Muscular weakness in adolescence is associated with disability 30 years later: a population-based cohort study of 1.2 million Swedish men. Henriksson et al BJSM June 2018.

Conclusion: There was a strong association between muscular weakness and disability. A combination of muscular weakness and low aerobic fitness was an especially important risk factor for disability. This adds weight to call for muscular strength and fitness-enhancing exercise for adolescents in all BMI categories.

This study out of Sweden looked at the associations of muscular strength in adolescence with later disability pension.

A total of 1 212 503 adolescent males aged 16–19 years, recruited from the Swedish military conscription register between 1969 and 1994.

Moral of the story: exercise as an adolescent may help to reduce issues later in life, including the potential for disability.

Taking it 1 step further… why is physical education being cut out of school requirements when studies like this show the potential negative effects of inactivity?!

Turning Up the Heat: An Evaluation of the Evidence for Heating to Promote Exercise Recovery, Muscle Rehabilitation, and Adaptation McGorm et al Sports Medicine June 2018.

Key Points: Animal and human trials have shown that various forms of heating can be used in conjunction with exercise or stress to enhance recovery, adaptation and limit muscle atrophy.

Heating muscle activates protective mechanisms, reduces oxidative stress and inflammation, and stimulates genes and proteins involved in muscle hypertrophy.

Further studies highlighting the differences between various heating modalities will help inform athletes and coaches on the best heating practices for specific situations.

This article has a ton of great information that I highly recommend any PT, strength coach, athletic trainer or massage therapist.

It is a review of the literature and there are still many questions to be answered so, as always, take with a grain of salt.

I am a fan of heating before treatment…I do it daily with 99% of the clients that I see and they love it…so that says something.

What do you think? Do you like to heat your clients up before treatment or before a workout? Tag a friend that may benefit from this post! Thanks, guys!

The Effect of Open- Versus Closed-Kinetic-Chain Exercises on Anterior Tibial Laxity, Strength, and Function Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Perriman et al JOSPT July 2018 Level 1a

FINDINGS: There was no significant difference in anterior tibial laxity, strength, patient-reported function, or physical function with the early or late introduction of open-kinetic-chain exercises in those who have had anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, when compared to closed-kinetic-chain exercises, at all follow-up time points.

They wanted to determine whether OKC quadriceps exercises result in differences in anterior laxity, when compared to CKC exercises, at any time point following ACLr.

Also, they wanted to determine whether there are differences in strength, function, quality of life, and adverse events with OKC quadriceps exercises when compared to CKC exercises at any time point.

Overall, calculated effect sizes showed a slight increased laxity in the OKC groups, particularly for the hamstrings graft. The⠀
pooled difference was not statistically significant (P>.05)

When considering all graft types, there was low- to moderate-quality evidence from 3 studies suggesting that there were no between-group differences in laxity at any time point when OKC exercises were introduced earlier than 6 weeks post ACLR, compared to CKC exercises.

There seemed to be a trend that showed early OKC knee extension was safer after a PTG than a hamstring autograft but protocols varied so data was inconsistent.

Of interest to me, they said “The early introduction of OKC quadriceps exercises did not appear to offer additional significant benefits in function and strength for the average patient post ACLR; therefore, this early introduction is questionable, especially in patients with a hamstring graft.

From Twitter’s @IrineuLoturco showing the moment this athlete ruptured their achilles tendon. Pretty impressive and you can see the eccentric loading of the tendon that caused the rupture. See his original post below…

A very impressive recording of the exact moment when an elite sprinter had an acute and complete rupture of the Achilles tendon. Pay attention to the “boom”.

[REPOST] If there was an ESPY for a post by a PT then @theperformancedoc would definitely get it for these videos! Great job and keep pumping out great content. Give him a follow if you haven’t already!

💥Different Types of Physical Therapists In the Real World💥 SWIPE 👉🏽 (Turn on 🔊) Sometimes we have trouble “turning it off” when we are outside of the clinic. Which one are you?! Tag, Comment, & Share with a Physical Therapist‼️

#ThePerformanceDoc #RehabWithTheDoc

Congrats to all of the newly licensed PT’s out there…Welcome to the profession!

My advice to you:

Stay humble and put the patient first, always

Keep learning and try to avoid complacency

The road will seem rough but it does get a little easier. Get experience…as much as you can. Each interaction with a patient is a snapshot to help guide your future interactions.

Put yourself in their shoes… give them the best experience as you would expect to receive if you were sitting on the plinth being asked questions.

Follow people on social media that help you to learn and keep an open mind. Don’t get pulled into 1 system. Take a little from each and package it nicely.

The research is often biased. Opinions come and go. Stay somewhere in the middle…remember the bell curve, always!

Each “system” has huge overlap despite their ‘trademarked’ proprietary information…they all involve motion and strengthening. That’s the key to PT- keep people moving and keep them stronger…or at least keep them positive and hopeful.

I recently wrote a blog post discussing the evolution of a PT. Take a look…the link is in my bio on Instagram.

These words are the basis of my practice. Take what you think is important and apply it to your practice. Good luck, now work on your dives!

A great week of content that I hope you found valuable and willing to share with your friends and colleagues! Thanks for reading!

The Week in Research Review, etc 7-29-18

Last week was the 1st of my research review that summarized my social media posts from the previous week. It seemed to be well received so I figured I’d continue it. My goal is to help summarize some of the research that I found interesting and package it nicely for my readers.

Each photo contains a link back to a social media feed where you can see the conversation that ensued and maybe chime in…or just be a passive reader and see where the conversation went. You never know where the conversation may go on social media…so be ready! haha!

Socioeconomic Factors for Sports Specialization and Injury in Youth Athletes Jayanthi et al Sports Health Journal 2018.

This study looked at the effect of socioeconomic status (SES) on rates of sports specialization and injury among youth athletes.

They looked at injured athletes between the ages of 7 to 18 years that were recruited from 2 hospital-based sports medicine clinics. They compared these with uninjured athletes presenting for sports physicals at primary care clinics between 2010 and 2013.

They concluded that:
✅High-SES athletes reported more serious overuse injuries than low-SES athletes
✅More hours/wk playing organized sports
✅Higher ratio of weekly hours in organized sports to free play
✅Greater participation in individual sports

I applaud the authors for attempting to bring this very difficult collection of data into a formal research paper. I will say some of the statistics and standard deviations may not make the conclusions as powerful.

I do think this is a good paper to help educate our athletes on injury rates, especially in those that specialize in 1 sport.

What do you think? Tag a friend that may benefit from this article!

From #Twitter’s @retlouping that perfectly sums up what I’ve observed recently on social media with many PT’s.

For some reason, pain science has overtaken most diagnosis and treatment conversations.

It’s as if you get bullied into talking pain science and ignoring our clinical judgment and diagnosis skills. I understand there’s a constant tug-of-war between the biomechanical PT’s and the pain science PTs.

But as usual, the answer usually lies somewhere in between and both groups are correct. The biomechanics of an injury are often important as well as the language we use to explain these tissue biomechanics.

To my fellow clinicians, especially the newer grads and #dptstudent, remember this little cartoon for every future encounter.

Yeah, speak to people in non-threatening tones (in my world it’s just being respectful) but trust me, they WANT to hear what could be going wrong or what may be causing their pain.

Don’t blow off their symptoms and don’t go into depth about pain science because they won’t understand.

Trust me, the clinicians that try to do that often end up losing their patients in the long run.

I hear these stories day after day of people coming to me because the last PT either only talks to them or made them ONLY do strength exercises and it didn’t help their pain.

The PT didn’t listen to them and was so blinded by their pain science background that they ignored the person sitting right in front of them. Remember, the person sitting there will tell you what is going on and what treatment will most help them feel/move better.

Influence of Body Position on Shoulder and Trunk Muscle Activation During Resisted Isometric Shoulder External Rotation Krause et al Sports Health 2018.

The purpose of this study was to examine ER torque and electromyographic (EMG) activation of shoulder and trunk muscles while performing resisted isometric shoulder ER in 3 positions:
✔️Side plank

Using surface EMG and a hand-held dynamometer, the researchers tried to determine EMG activity of the:
✔️Posterior Deltoids
✔️Mid traps
✔️External/internal obliques (dominant side)
✔️External/internal obliques (non-dominant side)

EMG values for the infraspinatus were greatest in the side plank position. In general, EMG values for the trunk muscles were also greatest in the side plank position.

✅Their Conclusions: If the purpose of a rehabilitation program is to strengthen the rotator cuff, in particular, the infraspinatus, the side plank is preferred over standing or side lying. If the goal is to simultaneously strengthen both the rotator cuff and trunk muscles, the side plank position again is preferred.

Makes sense but good to see the research and have concrete evidence to back up what we think actually goes on.

Tag a friend who may be interested in this research paper!

Reliability of heel-height measurement for documenting knee extension deficits. Schlegel et al AJSM 2002

Prone heel-height difference of 1cm equates to 1.2 degree difference in knee extension ROM.

Do you use this method to assess knee ROM? I still measure knee extension ROM is supine but find this method helpful as well.

I know my friend and colleague @wilk_kevin has measured this way for many years. i originally saw his use this technique at @ChampionSportsM

I don’t want people to confuse this with prone hangs for knee extension ROM. I am not a fan of that method as I’ve stated in the past.

This is a method to assess knee extension differences, particularly after an ACL reconstruction. I have gone back to using this method for some people that have subtle ROM differences side-to-side.

The patella position (on the plinth or off) did not matter in the study and thigh girth did not appear to make a difference.

I would recommend stabilizing the pelvis to prevent excess ROM from occurring at that region and to better isolate the knee joint.

Have you tried this method? Tag a friend who may benefit from using this ROM method…thanks!

Evidence-Based Best-Practice Guidelines for Preventing #ACL Injuries in Young Female Athletes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Petushek et al AJSM 2018.

Injury prevention neuromuscular training (NMT) programs reduce the risk for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury.

Eighteen studies were included in the meta-analyses, with a total of 27,231 participants, 347 sustaining an ACL injury.

The overall mean training amount was 57 sessions totaling 18.17 hours (roughly 24 minutes per session, 2.5 times per week).

They concluded:

✔️Interventions targeting middle school or high school–aged athletes reduced injury risk to a greater degree than did interventions for college or professional-aged athletes.

✔️Continued exposure to neuromuscular training throughout the sport season seems to enhance prophylactic effects of NMT.

✔️NMT interventions were effective for female basketball, and handball athletes and interventions including various athletes were potentially effective (eg, soccer, basketball, and volleyball).

✔️ Interventions included some form of implementer training (eg, instructional workshop, video, or brochure) on proper program implementation.

✔️Programs including more landing stabilization and lower body strength exercises during each session were most effective.

🤔Programs including balance, core-strengthening, stretching, or agility exercises were no more effective than programs that did not incorporate these components.

✔️ Specifically, programs that included more landing stabilization exercises (eg, drop landings, jump/hop and holds), hamstring strength (eg, Nordic hamstring), lunges, and heel-calf raises reduced the risk for ACL injury to a greater degree than did programs without these exercises.

✅ Wow, lots of great information here. Please share this with a friend or colleague who may benefit from knowing this information.

Hope that helped to catch you up on my posts from this week.

Do you like these weekly updates? Let me know if I should continue…love your feedback!

Thanks for reading!

Quadriceps Stretching after Knee Surgery: A tweak to the technique

Obtaining full knee flexion after a knee surgery or knee injury can be difficult for some. The transition from passive knee flexion in seated (my preferred) or supine (not preferred!) can be a challenge for the physical therapist, once they are starting to work on quadriceps stretching. This blog post serves to help modify the prone quadriceps stretching technique after a knee surgery. The goal is to better localize the stretch to the muscle and not cause further pain and discomfort to the patient.

In the past, I’ve talked about restoring knee extension after surgery, particularly after an ACL reconstruction. If you missed that blog post, you can read it here here and here. You might say I have a slight obsession with talking about ROM after surgeries.

For a common surgery like an ACL reconstruction, I often see people present to me without full ROM. That’s why I continue to discuss techniques that can help other clinicians and patients restore their ROM before it’s too late.

Why is full ROM important after knee surgery?

Well, we think there’s a pretty close link between long-term issues and not restoring knee ROM.

In Shelbourne’s article in AJSM 2012, he states that “abnormal knee flexion at early follow-up, abnormal knee extension at final follow-up, abnormal knee flexion at final follow-up, partial medial meniscectomy, and articular cartilage damage were significant factors related to the presence of osteoarthritis on radiographs.”

He also went on to say that you had a 2x increased risk of knee arthritis if you don’t get full ROM. This was similar to having had a meniscectomy surgery or articular cartilage loss.

For such a simple concept, we PT’s can really affect the long-term outcomes for our patients if we don’t get full knee ROM. So why are people still struggling years after their knee surgery? I don’t know… but it’s troubling and definitely avoidable in most patients.

Check out this study from the Journal of Athletic Training in 2015. They discuss how a patient’s flexion ROM can help significantly improve their IKDC scores (functional score) during the 1st 2 months post-op.

Simple Modification to Prone Quadriceps Stretching

I began to think about this topic when I was reading a Facebook post in one of the PT groups and it made me think. We always talk about knee extension and there is some research that discusses the importance of safely obtaining knee extension ROM. I put this study in a recent Instagram post and got some pretty good response.

It seems that whenever I talk about knee ROM after a surgery, people’s ears perk up. Let’s go to the video and talk about a simple technique I use to improve knee flexion ROM after a surgery or injury.

As you can see, a small tweak to your technique can really make a big difference. Again, I’m not sure what exactly is going on. It seems like I’m adjusting the position of the tibia just slightly and that is influencing the location of the stretch toward the quads. If I take my hand away, then they feel the pain and pressure in the front of the knee and it does not feel good.

Slow and Steady Knee Flexion

For the record, I’m not one of those PT’s that likes to be super aggressive and push my patients to tears. I’ve inherited those patients from other PT’s and that technique often fails.

When I talk about improving prone knee flexion, I’m talking about improving quadriceps flexibility and length. Remember, if you have someone lie on their stomach and you try to flex their knee, you’re either limited by pain, joint capsule or the rectus femoris (2-joint muscle.)

It’s not until I think the knee has reached a period of calm that I begin pushing into prone flexion. I’m not using this to crank and get 5 more degrees for my documentation. I’m using this at an appropriate time to improve muscle flexibility and maybe get that end range of motion that is so important.

Remember, obtaining full knee ROM is a process, but a very important process. it’s not going to happen quickly, especially if you’re wicked aggressive (my Boston comes out when I get fired up!!)

Try it for yourself

So this week, try this technique out on one of your clients who may be struggling with regaining their knee flexion ROM. I’m curious to know what you think and if it works for you. As we’ve seen, it’s very important to get that full ROM back after a surgery and this is one modification that I think can help you immediately.



If you want to learn more about how I treat ACL’s and other knee injuries, then you can check out our all online knee seminar. If interested, check it out at www.onlinekneeseminar.com and let me know what you think. We cover the anatomy, rehab prescription, ACL, knee replacements and patellofemoral issues both non-operative treatment and post-operative treatment. This is an awesome course if you’re interested in learning more about rehabilitating the knee joint. And if you’re a PT, there’s a good chance you can get CEU’s as well.

Loss of extension after ACL surgery: How to assess for a cyclops lesion

Loss of extension after an ACL reconstruction can be debilitating for the patient. It’s not as common as you would think but I see it enough in the clinic from people that are months out from surgery. Usually, this loss of knee extension after an ACL reconstruction is caused by a cyclops lesion. Let’s dive deeper into this!

Often times, they’ll present with anterior knee pain, posterior knee soreness and a relatively weakened quadriceps muscle that just won’t return. No matter what they do to get the motion back, the knee just never feels normal.

I’ve written about the loss of extension after an ACL reconstruction in the past. In this post, I discussed how I like to work on knee extension immediately after an ACL surgery. There are a few ways that I think are most effective and with minimal patient efforts.

What is a Cyclops Lesion?

For those not familiar, a cyclops lesion is a wad of scar tissue in the anterior aspect of the knee joint. It is believed to be a remnant of the previous ACL stump that had remained during the reconstruction surgery. At least that’s one theory. Another theory states that it may be fibrocartilage as a result of drilling the tibial tunnels.

Whatever the case, this arthrofibrosis (scar tissue) physically blocks the knee joint from locking out into full extension. Check out this MRI that shows the scar tissue in the anterior knee.

Cyclops lesion in the anterior knee blocking full (hyper) extension

How do I assess for a cyclops lesion after ACL surgery?

In this video, I describe why and how I assess for a cyclops lesion. Check it out.

Is it a Cyclops lesion or just a tight knee?

From the video, you can clearly note that anterior pain, in my experiences, is most often related to a cyclops lesion. Other factors to consider include:

  1. temporary/transient gains in extension
  2. anterior knee pain after increasing activity
  3. poor patella mobility
  4. quads just won’t come back
  5. continued hamstring/calf soreness

These are tell-tale signs that there’s more going on and you should refer back to the doctor so they can order an MRI to rule in/out the anterior scarring. If diagnosed, the best (and only) option is to have a knee scope and remove that scar tissue.

There’s nothing else that can be done. No PT, injections or manual therapy can restore full symmetrical knee extension.

The scar tissue needs to be removed by surgical excision. Aggressive PT should commence immediately after surgery to restore the extension range of motion.

The Best and Easiest Way to Restore Knee Extension after an ACL

Rehab after an ACL is never easy. There are many things that could affect a patient’s outcome. I’ve treated hundreds of patients after an ACL reconstruction and each one is a unique challenge. I wrote about this in a previous post here..check it out and let me know what you think.

I put this video together for Mike Reinold’s website so you could see what I exactly do to gain knee extension back….and why I’m not a fan of prone hangs. Hope it helps with some of your knee patients.

Final Cyclops Thoughts

As a PT or athletic trainer, don’t blame yourself if the patient needs another surgery to remove the scarring. It seems as if it was inevitable and was going to occur no matter the efforts to work on knee extension. I think the lesson here is:

  • work on extension early and often
  • maintain good compliance at home
  • assess/measure each visit to determine gains or losses
  • early patella mobility and knee PROM
  • get the pain and swelling out as quickly as possible
  • refer back to the doctor if the ROM not improving despite your best efforts

Hope this post helps you get better outcomes for your ACL patients!


If you want to learn more about how I treat ACL’s, then you can check out our all online knee seminar. If interested, check it out at www.onlinekneeseminar.com and let me know what you think. We cover the anatomy, rehab prescription, ACL, knee replacements and patellofemoral issues both non-operative treatment and post-operative treatment. This is an awesome course if you’re interested in learning more about rehabilitating the knee joint. And if you’re a PT, there’s a good chance you can get CEU’s as well.